HealthySteps has significantly positive outcomes for children, their families, and the physicians and practices that serve them.
Young Children and Families Thrive
Download a summary of the evidence below.
HealthySteps improves child health and well-being by supporting perceptual, motor and physical development, strengthening early social-emotional development, and promoting timely and continued care.
Screening and Connection to Services
Breastfeeding and Age-Appropriate Early Nutrition
Social-Emotional Development
Timely and Continued Care, and Vaccinations
HealthySteps improves family health and supports a child’s early learning and overall well-being.
Screening and Connection to Services
Maternal Depression
Knowledge of Infant Development
Child Safety Practices
Risk Factors for Child Abuse and Neglect
Early Literacy and School Readiness
HealthySteps supports pediatric primary care practices to improve their patients’ experience and provider satisfaction while lowering health care costs.