The inaugural cohort will provide important input on their program experience
The HealthySteps National Office at ZERO TO THREE (National Office) welcomes eight caregivers to the newly formed Family Advisory Group.
Family Advisors provide their unique insights and feedback to the HealthySteps National Office to improve and refine the program for all families, and they will help to shape the mission, vision, and direction of this newly formed group.
We will partner with families across the country to advance our shared goal to reach more than 1 million young children and families annually by 2032. We collaborated with Family Voices, a national family-led organization that promotes partnership with families at all levels of health care to improve health care services and policies for children, and with HS Ambassadors to inform the development and launch of the Family Advisory Group.
The 2021-2022 Family Advisors are:
- Resa Bates
- Liz Foley
- Shamyra King
- Mayra “Maya” Martinez-Shaw
- Alondra Miranda-Herrera
- Erica McNeil
- Jennifer Pannone
- Shakoa Sidoti
The HealthySteps National Office selected Family Advisors, in partnership with Family Voices and HS Ambassadors, based on their curiosity, willingness to share ideas and insights, and desire to work as part of a team to create the Family Advisory program.